I Think Someone Put Acid In The (Sucker) Punch


A third, and presumably final, trailer for Zack Snyder’s scantily-clad-ass-kicking-babes-with-swords movie Sucker Punch has arrived and, frankly, I have run out of new things to say about the movie. I can’t wait to see it, I think it looks like loads of fun, and as I’ve said in the past: it’s going to bring a bunch of my adolescent fantasies to life on the big screen. But none of that is different from what I’ve been saying about the movie up until this point, so to reiterate why I think this is going to be cool, here’s a list of awesomeness from the trailer:

– Hot girls in short skirts
– A mech with a pink bunny face painted on it
– A giant in samurai armour with a mini-gun
– A fire-breathing dragon
– Jena Malone shooting up robots
– Gas-masked Nazi troopers
– A crashing zeppelin

If that stuff doesn’t sell you on this movie, I don’t know what will.

Sucker Punch comes out March 25, 2011.

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