After the live-action adaptation of How the Grinch Stole Christmas and the atrocious The Cat in the Hat, someone seems to have had the bright idea to turn Dr. Seuss stories into heartwarming computer-animated movies – first Horton Hears a Who (which I thought was pretty adorable), and now The Lorax! I honestly wasn’t expecting anything out of this preview – The Lorax has never been my favourite Seuss book – but when it was done, I got that same fuzzy feeling I did when I saw the first trailer for Where The Wild Things Are (a movie that some people found disappointing, but that I love). This looks cute and funny and does such a good job of it that I’m not even phased by the fact that Zac Efron is voicing the protagonist. And that’s no small feat.
The Lorax comes out March 2, 2012.