It’s been a long time since I’ve found myself looking forward to the end-of-the-year movie season as much as I’m looking forward to this year’s! With The Muppets, The Adventures of Tintin, A Dangerous Method, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy coming out, the end of 2011 is sure to be great.
Speaking on Tintin, I realize that there’s very little in the way of new footage contained in this TV spot, but I don’t mind. I’m really excited for this movie, even if preview audiences are divided on it. Given my love of Spielberg, Jackson, Wright, Cornish, Pegg, Frost, Serkis, Craig and all the rest of the talent involved in the film, I’d be shocked if I didn’t walk out of the theatre smiling.
The Adventures of Tintin comes out December 21, 2011.