Here’s a video that’s been making the rounds online, with much furor over the legitimacy of what it shows: is this a real, honest-to-goodness levitating Wipeout “slotcar” game? Or a poorly CGI’d fabrication that is nothing more than thinly-veiled viral marketing for a new Wipeout game? We know that the science behind its claims is real: quantum levitation is a thing, and it’s very, very cool. It would totally make something like this possible.
However, there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of the “Japan Institute for Science and Technology” existing online besides this video. There does exist a Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, but its website doesn’t show any connection to this video, and in fact, the logo in the video appears to be a crummy recreation of the JAIST logo. What’s more, the account hosting this video, JISTQuantum, has only ever uploaded this video. So what do you think guys? Is it real, or just another internet hoax?