Come on, don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to see Liam Neeson play Jesus! It’s not often that you’ll find an A-list star making his screen debut in a religious film that would normally be screened in Sunday school, but that’s exactly how Mr. Neeson got started. In 1977, the 25-year old Neeson starred in a filmed production of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, one of the more famous works of religious literature ever written. Of course, because of Neeson’s fame, a lot of the religious websites that sell this DVD put his face on the cover and mistakenly credit him with the playing the lead role of Pilgrim, but he actually plays the role of Evangelist. However, because the film was a fairly low budget production, Neeson was asked to do double duty by playing a couple of the small roles, including a brief appearance as a crucified Jesus Christ! Anyway, this clip features both his role as Evangelist and his cameo as Jesus, which occurs at the 5:06 mark.