UPDATE: From Hank Azaria’s Twitter on November 21, 2012:
“Somebody found this and now I’m making it your problem RT @the_back_row Hank Azaria on “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” http://ow.ly/fpFNb”
As if Hank Azaria wasn’t awesome enough already!
In 1990, an unknown actor named Hank Azaria had just been hired to do voices on a new series called The Simpsons, a cash cow that he is still riding today. At the time, he was mostly making a living by doing bit parts on other sitcoms. In this episode of The Fresh Prince Bel-Air, Azaria plays a cop who arrests Will and Carlton when he falsely believes they are driving a stolen car. Of course, the episode has your standard old-school sitcom climax where Uncle Phil tells off the racist police force and the studio audience breaks out into spontaneous applause.