Once again, Spike Jonze has me grinning like a fool


Set in LA, slightly in the future, “her” follows Theodore Twombly, a complex, soulful man who makes his living writing touching, personal letters for other people. Heartbroken after the end of a long relationship, he becomes intrigued with a new, advanced operating system, which promises to be an intuitive entity in its own right, individual to each user. Upon initiating it, he is delighted to meet “Samantha,” a bright, female voice, who is insightful, sensitive and surprisingly funny. As her needs and desires grow, in tandem with his own, their friendship deepens into an eventual love for each other.

I sincerely wish that Spike Jonze would make movies more frequently, because I have loved every single thing he has done. From the look of this trailer for Jonze’s new film Her, his work on the short film I’m Here about two robots falling in love has piqued an interest in the director in exploring the idea of relationships with technology. Too often we see depictions of the technologically oversaturated near future that are horrific, and I find it refreshing that Jonze is going to give us a funny, bittersweet look at the same material.  Joaquin Phoenix looks perfectly cast here, and who among us hasn’t already fallen in love with the sound of Scarlett Johansson’s voice?

Her comes out November 20, 2013.

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