Boy, a young widower, retreats to the desert after his wife dies of radiation following nuclear tests near their home. Boy is waiting for the end of the world and carves Kachina dolls, believing they contain magical powers. Harry and Buffy travel to the desert on a second honeymoon in an attempt to save their marriage. Their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the couple is rescued by Boy. Boy holds them prisoner because of his desire for Buffy and his ambition to create a better world with her.
We just finished talking about director George Sluizer on our recent podcast episode where we discussed his film The Vanishing. Now, purely by coincidence, Sluizer is back in the movie news, as he’s just released the film he was working on with River Phoenix before Phoenix’s untimely death. The movie is called Dark Blood, and Phoenix isn’t the only famous face in it – the movie also features Jonathan Pryce and Judy Davis. I haven’t watched it all yet, but from what I’ve seen it’s pretty weird. I wish that Phoenix had closed off his filmography with, perhaps, a more dynamic and masterful movie, but I can’t deny that it’s cool to see him in a new role after all these years. All of Dark Blood is on Youtube, and you can watch it all here! Look under the cut for more.