Charlie Kaufman is one of those enigmatic filmmakers whose work is so interconnected with his public image that it’s impossible to tell what he’s really like, and what is just a reflection of his fictionalized projections of himself. He’s also known for creating strange and unusual worlds, including places where small office doors lead into John Malkovich’s head, and where theatre directors can recreate entire cities in closed sets. So naturally I’ve curious about Anomalisa, Kaufman’s first stop-motion animated feature, since its announcement, and my curiosity only increased when I found out that the film is being produced by Dan Harmon. And then the trailer was released and…well, I’m puzzled. I can still tell that this is going to be a great movie, but…why stop-motion? I mean, I have no problem with it, but none of the imagery in this trailer makes me think that animation was the only format in which to tell this story. Is this Charlie Kaufman telling a simple tale in the most complicated way possible? Or is something being hidden from us? Either way, you can bet I’ll be watching this one as soon as it’s out.
Anomalisa comes out in early 2016.