Hope is not lost today


You hear that, guys? Hope is not lost today. It’s almost as though there’s…A NEW HOPE?! I’ve gotta say, I was pretty blown away by this new Japanese trailer, because it contains a huge helping of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens footage. I fully expected that the last trailer, dubbed the “final” trailer, was going to be just that, but nope, we’re getting this one last little trailer morsel before the new Star Wars, like the mint at the end of a nice, long meal. This movie looks great. If it’s anywhere near as good as its trailers, it’ll be a damn good time. At this point, I’m completely invested. The Force Awakens will be the Star Wars movie we’ve longed for ever since Return of the Jedi. Mark my words.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes out December 18, 2015.

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