Yes, folks, it’s that time again for an annual tradition here at The Back Row. The nominations for the 88th Academy Awards were announced last week and every year, I try to post “Before They Were Stars” clips of as many of the nominees as I can. To no one’s surprise, Leonardo DiCaprio gas captured his sixth Oscar nomination for The Revenant and considering the hell he put himself through for that role, we’re all praying that this is the year Leo FINALLY gets to take home the gold statue! Anyway, at the age of 15, DiCaprio had a bit part on an episode of the soap opera, Santa Barbara, playing a younger version of one of the main characters during a flashback sequence. Curiously, the only clip that seems to be available on Youtube is dubbed over in Italian, but it’s still worth watching, especially since you also get a glimpse of John O’Hurley, a.k.a. the future J. Peterman on Seinfeld.