A new trailer for Suicide Squad has been released, and I’m feeling a bit…jumbled when it comes to this movie. I haven’t really been buying what DC’s been selling lately in the movie department. I love their animated stuff, and Batman is still my favourite superhero, but Batman v. Superman looks like a messy crossover movie where most of the characters haven’t fully been set up yet, and Suicide Squad feels kinda like they’re trying to do their own riff on Guardians of the Galaxy. But it comes off as being too goofy and too serious all at the same time. But hey, at least Jared Leto’s Joker looks pretty neat in this trailer, and somehow Jai Courtney has been given one of the preview’s biggest laughs.
Ultimately, I know I’m going to watch this. Will I see it in theatres? Probably not. Maybe. We’ll see how Batman v. Superman turns out. But between Suicide Squad and Deadpool being released this year, I’m starting to think we’re getting pretty close to the bottom of the superhero barrel. Will we finally hit rock bottom in 2017?
Suicide Squad comes out August 5, 2016.