Author Archives: Vince Nitro
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 71 Chrono Trigger On Beer Bottles
Here we have a guy who took the time to record one of my favorite tunes from one of my favorite games on partially filled beer bottles played as wind instruments. It sounds amazing and it must’ve taken him ages … Continue reading
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 70 Final Fantasy vs. Offspring
Here we have one of my all-time favorite videos to nerd out to. You take one part killer Offspring track, one part Final Fantasy cinematic scenes and boosh. Fried gold. This video is good enough to make me rue hating … Continue reading
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 69 Detroit Grand Pubahs – Sandwiches
Yeah, yeah. Old Uncle Vince isn’t above going with the easy joke and putting something sexy in for his 69th entry. But God DAMN is this sexy…pickle slinging midgets, cowboys on a merry-go-round, wrestling in a tub of whipped cream, … Continue reading
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 68 The Goddess Bunny Tonight I present to you a tapdancing transvestite who was stricken with polio as a child.
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 67 Mel Gibson vs. the Gingers Have Soul kid (Again, NSFW for plenty o’ salty language)
I bet somewhere, somehow, Eric Cartman had a hand in this. Also, the reaction at the end was perfection itself.
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 66 Sad Kermit (NSFW)
Who knew the depths of Kermit’s pathos…I guess it really isn’t easy being green. Especially not when you have to give Rowlf a knobber for some blow.
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 65 Insert Your Fisting Joke Here
After watching this for a while, I had to wonder exactly how big the original arm must be.
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 64 I Like Your Booty (But I’m Not Gay)
Here’s another gem from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. Is it me, or does the guy in the red codpiece bear a striking resemblance to a young Will Smith?
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 63 The Interrogation
Second Batman piece in a short time, I know, but they’re both fried gold. Poor Joker’s really just trying to help here, and Batman’s being a big dick about it.
Vince Nitro’s Private Reserve – 62 Remember That Bit From Lock, Stock? I think this dildo is a little longer than fifteen inches, but it certainly does the trick. Now, imagine how demoralizing it’d be to face a whole army of guys brandishing massive dildos on the field of battle.