Felan Reads the Comics… at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival



This weekend, I spent some time at the world-famous Toronto Comic Arts Festival. TCAF is a unique festival in that it focuses entirely on indie, self-published, small-press, webcomics and other non-mainstream comics (no spandex-wearing superheroes here, unless they’re been ironically subverted). Instead of a regular profile, I thought I’d recap some of the things I picked up – which may in future be featured on Felan Reads the Comics right here at TBR!

Dunqeon Quest

I’ve read a little bit of Joe Daly’s Dungeon Quest, and it’s pretty awesome – a bizarre, profane hybrid of fantasy role-playing games and indie comix. Looking forward to reading more!


Hey look, it’s James Stokoe, the creator of Orc Stain, the first comic I ever wrote about on TBR!

There are no stars in Toronto, either.

I’m a huge fan of Meredith Gran’s ongoing chronicle of the weird lives of twenty-something Brooklynites, Octopus Pie (it’s probably one of my top five webcomics), so I was excited to pick up the first Octopus Pie collection, There Are No Stars In Brooklyn from Ms. Gran herself, who was kind enough to autograph the book with a sketch of Manuel the cat, looking rather alarmed:


I also picked up Adrian Tomine’s adorable Scenes from an Impending Marriage, and wanted to buy everything in sight but couldn’t afford it. That’s all I got for this week – keep an eye out for these titles in more in future editions of Felan Reads the Comics!

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